Minimising risk
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Minimising risk

Sep 01, 2023

Mining-certified mobile devices protect workers by supporting operators with data collection and documentation, explains Kathrin Geisler.

Firedamp is mainly present in underground coal mines. The air enriched with the mine gas methane and coal dust can lead to extremely violent explosions if ignited. For this reason, the methane content of the atmosphere in mines is constantly monitored. But of course, mobile communication devices are also used in the entire mining sector. However, to ensure that the communication equipment does not become a dangerous source of ignition, it must meet clearly defined requirements. The devices of the mining series of category M1 from Mobile are characterised by a very high safety level and are all ATEX and IECEx mining certified.

In the mining sector, hard working conditions are an everyday occurrence. To ensure the highest possible safety, the use of mining-certified devices is also essential in outdoor areas andfor deliveries/transports. They are designed in an extremely robust way to withstand the high stresses of mining, underground operations with dirt, dust, moisture and other challenges, and enable use underground as well as in large-scale outdoor environments.

When goods are delivered and raw materials are transported, 1D or 2D codes fitted to containers are used to register them immediately in the enterprise resource planning system – also in the wider mining environment. Furthermore, location barcodes are added to areas where materials are stored or consumed. The mobile mining multifunction scanner IS-TH1xx.M1 from Mobile has been developed for this purpose. Real-time data collection and processing streamline workflows and processes, simplify resource and procurement planning, and make documentation easier.

The mobile multifunctional set, consisting of a trigger handle (hand-held barcode scanner) and the industrial smartphone IS530.M1, is a flexible combination for reliable data acquisition in the field of hazardous mining.

The IS530.x is plugged into the trigger handle, securely connected to the HID-active scanner via the 13-pin ISM interface, and the scanner is immediately ready for use. The IS-TH1xx.M1 does not require a separate battery or Bluetooth due to the direct interface connection with the smartphone. Using Zebra’s reliable OEM array imager scan engine, the scanner captures any 1D or 2D barcode - just by pressing the trigger. The available mid-range variant is suitable for scans up to 6m, the extended range variant even for scans up to 18m. Even under the most difficult conditions, the barcode captured is immediately recognised as a keyboard input and further processed by the IS530.M1. The multifunction set is Android-based and, unlike alternative systems, guarantees secure, mobile data management in mining environments.

The M1 product line of mobile devices is characterised by a very high level of safety. The product family is complemented by the IS930.M1 tablet and the IS-TC1A.M1 thermal imaging camera.

Kathrin Geisler is with Mobile.

Mining-certified mobile devices protect workers by supporting operators with data collection and documentation, explains Kathrin Mobile